Getting started =============== Get the code:: git clone Create a **** file in the pidas/pidas directory. Your can now configure your custom settings. ``DATABASE`` ------------ InfluxDB is used. This can be configured using the following:: DATABASE = { 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 8086, 'USER': 'mydatabaseuser', 'PASSWORD': 'mypassword', 'NAME': 'mydatabase' } ``CSV_HEADER`` -------------- Your CSV file header:: CSV_HEADER = ["sensorID", "sensorName", "value", "timestamp"] ``PIDAS_DIR`` ------------- The absolute path to the project:: PIDAS_DIR = '/home/USERNAME/pidas' ``DATA_FILE`` ------------- File where your date will be saved:: DATA_FILE = 'data.csv' ``LOG_DIR`` ----------- The relative path directory to your logs:: LOG_DIR = 'logs/' ``NB_SENSOR`` ------------- Number of sensors you want to generate:: NB_SENSOR = 8 ``SIMULATION_MODE`` ------------------- If simulation mode is set to 1, sensors will be created:: SIMULATION_MODE = 0